Guys and Grief podcast launches

A new resource for grieving dads

Today, I’m excited to announce the launch of Guys and Grief – a podcast dedicated to helping dads navigate their grief journey. The first episode airs today and you can listen to it here.

It’s especially significant as one of the co-hosts of the podcast is Brian Scruton, the Vice Chair of First Candle’s Board of Directors.  Brian and his wife Lindsie lost their baby Austin in January of 2019.  Since then, they have both worked tirelessly to raise awareness of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and offer support to other families whose baby has died.

In addition to Brian, the podcast is being hosted by two other dads. Their existing friendships were strengthened by mutual support around pregnancy or infant loss. Brad Kogut and his wife suffered six miscarriages over the course of four years, with one successful pregnancy, and Brandon Thurman and his wife lost their daughter in 2019.

“A podcast can be a safe space for people to listen and grieve, and you can do it wherever you are,” Scruton says.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many resources available specifically for dads, something we have become aware of through our focus groups and research. In fact, Guys and Grief is the first podcast in North America that exclusively focuses on dads’ grief around SUID and stillbirth.

The trio want to break the silence around dads and grief.

“We want to let dads know they are not alone, and to help them grieve in the way that dads grieve,” Kogut says. “Group therapy is not for everyone.”

The program at the outset will include a discussion of general perceptions of paternal grief, with each host outlining his own bereavement experience around miscarriage and infant loss. Podcast listeners will have the opportunity to submit questions and make requests for topics via email ( and the Facebook page.

As the program format progresses there will be guest speakers, lighter moments “when appropriate,” and a goal of developing a diverse community across generational, cultural, ethnic and gender-identifying spheres.

There is also a hope that the program may provide health care providers and other existing sources of support for families with an additional resource for grieving fathers and extended family members as they cope with infant and child loss.

Guys and Grief can be accessed via Spotify, Facebook, Instagram and Apple Podcast, and a link to the podcast will also be available on the First Candle website.