Here’s why we’re thankful for you this year









Dear Supporters,

Thanks to you, this year we:

  • provided over 600 families with a safe place for their baby to sleep;
  • educated over 5,000 daycare providers, social workers and parents on why placing babies alone in a crib with no blankets can reduce the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocation;
  • distributed literature to over 15,000 nurses about the importance of always modeling safe sleep practices and discussing them with new parents.

In 2018 we want to double the number of people we educate and with your support, we can do this. Help us reach our goal by making a financial gift today.

Thank you for your continued support and friendship.

With gratitude,

Alison Jacobson


P.S. A First Candle donor has graciously committed to donating $1 for every use of the #GivingFirst campaign hashtag on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter up to $12,500. Now through November 28th, we encourage you to post, share or retweet our messages!