Important Legislation for SIDS
We at First Candle are reaching out to let you know of a promising piece of legislation now under review by the U.S. Congress, focused on improving resources devoted to improving better understanding and awareness around unexpected sudden death early in life, including SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths.
Known as Scarlett’s Sunshine Act (H.R. 6931/ S 3521), the bill would work toward this end by focusing on reporting, analysis, data collection, training and education. Specifically, it would:
- Authorize $15.25 million per year in HRSA grants enabling states to ensure 100% review of all infant and child deaths, including infrastructure to offer resulting data to prevention and clinical care experts.
- Direct $24 million over five years toward new HRSA outreach grants focused on educating families on safer sleep practices for infants, and on providing national organizations the ability to offer low or reduced cost safe sleep products.
- Require annual reports to the Senate HELP and House E&C Committees to include the absolute number and incidence of SUID/SUDC, actions taken, and any resulting new recommendations.
- Direct the CDC to revise standardized reporting forms in cases of sudden infant death, authorizing state and local grants to improve SUID/SUDC case reporting and autopsy reporting.
- Authorize a CDC-commissioned study to gauge the suitability and best testing practices around genetic analyses in SUID/SUDC cases.
- Dedicate $10 million per year in new federal grants to provide training and materials for death scene investigators.
First Candle is proud to be an official signed supporter of Scarlett’s Sunshine Act, and we’re hoping you will support this critical legislation as well. Please call your senator or representative today to let them know you want this Bill approved so that more resources toward keeping babies safe and healthy.
Lead Sponsors:
Bob Casey (D-PA)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Read H.R.6931
Track the Bill
Lead Sponsors:
Gwen Moore (WI-04)
Tom Cole (OK-4)
Jaime Hererra Beutler (WA-3)
Be sure to include in your communication:
- The bill number (S 3521) and title.
- You are their constituent. Tell them the city and state where you live.
- Most important: Why is this bill important to you?
Remember, they are YOUR representatives in Congress-they want to hear from you and will appreciate your personal feedback and connection to this crucial issue.
Please email us a copy of your letter so that we can include it in our advocacy efforts in D.C!